Service Centre

Intelligent Access Microware (IAM)

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Technical Services

Specializing in Repairs and Service to...

Braille Displays CCTVs Braille Embossers Notetakers Speech Synthesizers AND MORE

Alva Braille Display
Aladdin CCTV
BnS Disk Drive
Braille ‘n Speak
Braille Lite
Index Embosser
Millennium series
Perkins Braillers
Type ‘n Speak






Call if you don’t see your device on the list!

Authorized Service Centre For:

Alva Freedom Scientific Optelec Telesensory Many Others

Reasonable Pricing:

Since we repair more often than we replace.


We have a cleaning and overhaul service for braille displays that never fails to impress.

Unique Technical Services:

Do you have a piece of equipment that no one else can fix? We repair and modify a variety of specialized products. Custom design and modification services are also available for unique requirements.

Some Samples of Our Work:

Many rechargeable devices such as Braille displays and external synthesizers won’t work when the battery is dead even if you always use it plugged in! We have a "no battery" modification to solve that problem.

We still repair Telesensory’s much loved, long-discontinued Optacon.

Modifications and repairs to the Elba notetaker. "It works better now than it did when I got it!"

The Service:

Are we fast? Not necessarily. Routine repairs usually have a rapid turn-around but fixing things that aren’t meant to be fixed can take time and research. So if you need it "yesterday," be sure to let us know.

If you have a problem, call us to discuss troubleshooting first. If that fails, we’ll give you instructions on how to send it in.

Please note: We do have an estimate fee, which is currently $85.  If you decide to decline the repair this fee includes shipping back to you.

Service Policy

We service everything we sell at our Service Centre in St. Marys Ontario.  However, we do not service all of the products listed for sale on our website if they were purchased elsewhere.

Telephone before the package is mailed

Prepayment is required for service

You are responsible for the following costs

Abandoned equipment

Warranty and Service policy information

Visit our warranty page for Warranty and Extended Service Agreement information.

Intelligent Access Microware w P.O. Box 2387, 4 Margaret Court, St. Marys, Ontario, Canada, N4X 1A2 w Phone: (519) 284-0090 w Web: w Email:

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